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Sustainable Fashion: How Are Bangladesh’s Apparel Manufacturers Going Green?

Since becoming the world’s top RMG manufacturing industry, the garments industry in Bangladesh has been hard at work. Aside from enhancing their production quality and capacity, Bangladesh’s apparel manufacturers have also been looking into becoming more sustainable.

Many of the top experts in the garment industry in Bangladesh, such as Wasim Zakariah, have stated that the industry will be bringing in a lot of changes. These changes will mainly ensure that garment manufacturing in Bangladesh becomes much more green.

In this article, we will look at some of how apparel manufacturers in Bangladesh, like Posh Garments, take sustainable fashion seriously.

How Bangladesh’s Apparel Manufacturers Are Going Green?

Adopting Eco-Friendly Materials

How Bangladesh Apparel Manufacturers

Garment manufacturers are increasingly shifting towards eco-friendly materials in their production processes. Instead of relying only on conventional fabrics like polyester or nylon, they incorporate organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, and recycled polyester into their designs. By making this switch, they reduce the environmental impact of their products by minimizing the use of chemicals, pesticides, and energy-intensive manufacturing processes associated with traditional materials.

Implementing Energy-Efficient Practices

Many garment manufacturers invest in energy-efficient technologies and practices to reduce their energy consumption. This includes upgrading to more energy-efficient machinery, optimizing production schedules to minimize energy usage during off-peak hours, and incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power into their operations. By adopting these practices, they not only lower their carbon footprint but also cut down on operational costs in the long run.

Reducing Waste Generation

Garment manufacturers implement various strategies to minimize waste generation throughout their production processes. They optimize material usage to reduce scraps and leftovers, implement recycling programs to reuse materials wherever possible, and explore innovative methods to repurpose or upcycle waste materials into new products. They help build a more sustainable and circular economy by reducing waste.

Improving Supply Chain Transparency

Garment manufacturers prioritize supply chain transparency by working hand in hand with their suppliers to ensure ethical and responsible sourcing practices. This involves conducting regular audits to assess environmental and social compliance standards and collaborating with suppliers to source materials from sustainable and certified sources. Promoting transparency and accountability builds trust with consumers and stakeholders and drives positive change throughout the supply chain.

Promoting Fair Labor Practices

Making sure workers are treated fairly and ethically is a key focus for garment manufacturers. They strive to provide workers with safe working conditions, fair wages, and professional development and advancement opportunities throughout their supply chain. Additionally, they foster a culture of respect and inclusivity within their organizations to create a positive work environment that improves employee satisfaction and retention.

Water Conservation

Garment manufacturers are implementing water-saving measures to minimize water usage in their production processes. This includes investing in water-efficient technologies such as low-flow fixtures and recycling systems and adopting best practices for water management and treatment to minimize pollution and ensure responsible water usage. By conserving water, they reduce their environmental impact and contribute to preserving this vital resource.

Carbon Footprint Reduction

To reduce their carbon footprint, garment manufacturers are minimizing greenhouse gas emissions across their operations. This involves optimizing transportation routes to minimize fuel consumption, investing in energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, and offsetting carbon emissions through renewable energy projects or carbon offset programs. By implementing these measures, they mitigate climate change and contribute to global sustainability efforts.

Implementing Sustainable Packaging

Garment manufacturers are choosing sustainable packaging materials and practices to reduce environmental impact of their packaging and shipping processes. This includes:

  • Primarily using recyclable or biodegradable packaging materials.
  • Optimizing packaging designs to reduce waste.
  • Minimizing packaging sizes to decrease resource usage and transportation-related emissions.

By adopting sustainable packaging, they reduce their ecological footprint and promote environmental stewardship.

Investing in Worker Training and Education

Garment manufacturers are investing in worker training and education programs to empower their employees with the knowledge and skills needed to help in sustainability efforts. This may involve offering training on waste reduction, energy efficiency, and sustainable practices and promoting environmental awareness and responsibility among workers. By educating their workforce, they foster a culture of sustainability and drive continuous improvement in environmental performance.

Engaging with Stakeholders and Communities

Garment manufacturers actively engage with stakeholders and local communities to build partnerships and foster collaboration towards sustainability goals. This includes consulting with local communities and indigenous groups to understand their perspectives and concerns, participating in community outreach and development initiatives, and engaging with customers and suppliers to promote transparency and accountability. Working with stakeholders and communities, they leverage collective expertise and resources to drive meaningful change toward a more sustainable future.


The popularity and profitability of the RMG sector in Bangladesh are rising year by year. Many of the experts in the garment industry are pushing to bring in more positive changes. Sustainable fashion is one of the most vital changes they are trying for and succeeding in.

Over the last decade or more, the garment industry in Bangladesh has seen most apparel manufacturers going green. More have been and are being implemented, from working with more sustainable materials to reducing their carbon and waste production.

These changes point to Bangladesh’s apparel manufacturers becoming more environmentally aware. This, in turn, is leading to Bangladesh becoming one of the leading examples of an environmentally-friendly industry worldwide.


Are all apparel manufacturers in Bangladesh adopting green practices?

Not all manufacturers have fully embraced sustainability, but there is a noticeable shift towards green initiatives across the industry.

What are some examples of eco-friendly materials used in garment production?

Examples include organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, and recycled polyester.

How are consumers influencing the push for sustainability in the apparel industry?

Consumers increasingly demand brand transparency and accountability, driving them to adopt more sustainable practices.

What role do international organizations have in promoting sustainability in Bangladesh’s apparel sector?

International organizations provide expertise, funding, and support to help local manufacturers implement green initiatives and improve environmental performance.

What are the main challenges faced by apparel manufacturers in transitioning to sustainability?

Among the key challenges encountered are cost implications, technological limitations, and the need for cultural change within organizations.


Evelyn is a versatile and talented blog writer who loves to explore various facets of life through his writing. With a passion for Business, Lifestyle, Entertainment, Health & Wellness, Technology, and Travel, he crafts content that informs, entertains, and inspires. His wide-ranging interests and keen insights enable him to connect with readers across different domains. Whether he's breaking down complex business concepts, sharing wellness tips, or narrating travel experiences, Evelyn's writing reflects a unique blend of expertise and curiosity. His work is not only a source of information but a gateway to diverse worlds and ideas, all brought together by his love for the written word.

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